
(福建省地震局,福州 350003)

地震烈度; 衰减关系; 对比分析; 福建及邻近地区

Study on Attenuation Relation of Seismic Intensity in Fujian and Its Adjacent Areas
CAI Hui-teng,WEI Yong-xiang,ZHENG Shi-chun,OU Bing-song

(Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province,Fuzhou 35003,China)

seismic intensity; attenuation relation; contrast analysis; Fujian and its adjacent areas



Based on the seismic data of Fujian and its adjacent areas through the equivalent process,auxiliary point of the near-far field and data weighting,the statistic method and the attenuation model has been improved and the near-far field control to large earthquake has been strengthened.An intensity attenuation relation suitable to the areas has been established,and further the influence of Ra and Rb,auxiliary point and weighting to the intensity attenuation relation is contrasted and analyzed.