Oracle 10g分布式数据库技术在云南地震观测数据库系统中的应用*

(1.云南省地震局,昆明 650224; 2.云南省红河州地震局,云南蒙自 661100)

分布式数据库系统; 数据共享; 数据复制; 分布式查询

Application of Distributed Database Technology of Oracle 10g for Database System of Yunnan Earthquake Observation
WU Kong-chun1,NIU Cong-da1,NI Tai-shan2

(1.Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,China)(2.Earthquake Administration of Honghe State,Mengzi 661100,Yunnan,China)

distributed database system; communion of earthquake data; replication; distributed query


介绍了Oracle 10g分布式数据库技术的基本原理,以及分布式数据库在地震观测数据处理方面的优势; 应用Oracle 10g数据库技术,设计了云南地震观测分布式数据库系统结构,阐述了分布式地震观测数据库的实现过程及相关技术,有效地解决了数据分散和集中管理的矛盾。

Based on the primarily principle of distributed database technology of Oracle 10g and sufficient reasoning on Earthquake information service and database system of Yunnan earthquake observation,and according to technology regulation of Earthquake information service system of China,we set forth process and implementation of building on Database system of Yunnan earthquake observation for Oracle 10g.