
(福建省地震局,福州 350000)

地磁台站; 建筑材料; 磁性检测; 福建

Magnetism Test for the Construction Material of Geomagnetic Station
LAI Jia-cheng,YOU Yong-ping,LUO Kai-qi

(Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province,Fuzhou 350000,Fujian,China)

geomagnetic station; construction material; magnetic test; Fujian



During the reconstruction of the Quanzhou geomagnetic station in Fujian,we used some methods to test the magnetism of the construction material and trace the magnetic variation.The practice shows that the engineer can satisfy the technical requirement of construction specification of geomagnetic station,which proves these methods are valid,and can be used for reference of geomagnetic station construction later.