
(云南省地震局,昆明 650224)

水库诱发地震活动; 影响因子; 机制; 预测

Understanding Reservoir-Induced Seismicity*
MAO Yu-ping,YU Feng-yan,LI Zhi-xiang,LI Mao-xian

(1.Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,China)

reservoir-induced seismicity; factor of inducing earthquake; mechanism; prediction CLC number:P315.75:P343.3 Document code:A Article ID:1000-0666(2008)04-0399-07



:We review the monitoring and study of reservoir-induced seismicity(RIS)in the half past century,and analyze the major problems in RIS study.We suggest that it will be the key work in the future to further accumulate data,determine the major influence factors on RIS,study RIS mechanism by means of observational and experimental methods,and develop effective prediction techniques of RIS.