
(中国地震局第一监测中心,天津 300180)

汶川8.0级地震; 断层形变; 异常; 预测

The MS8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake:Precursor Analysis of Fault Deformation
BO Wan-ju,ZHANG Li-cheng

(First Crust Deformation Monitoring and Application Center,CEA,Tianjin 300180,China)

Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake; fault deformation; anomaly; prediction



We analyze the fault deformation of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake,and compare it with the deformations caused by the Tangshan and Lijiang earthquakes. We find that the level anomalies are similar at Gengda Station before the Wenchuan earthquake,Ninghe Station before the Tangshan earthquake,and Yongsheng Station before the Lijiang earthquake. These huge-amplitude anomalies are isolated and not supported by other evidences,but they may be especially significant indication of medium- and short-term prediction of strong earthquake. Furthermore,with the spatio-temporal increase of crust deformation observation station,other supports to predict strong earthquake will be found. Therefore,neither could we use huge-amplitude deformation anomaly to predict a strong earthquake at option,nor could we simply consider it as disturbance. From the used data of fault deformation,the statistic samples are great,and the result is credible; but from the number of strong earthquakes,the samples are small,and the statistic result should be improved with increasing number of strong earthquakes in the future.