
(中国地震局地壳应力研究所,北京 100085)

断层位移水平切向分量测量仪; 自动化标定; 标定装置; 步进电机; 线性度; 重复性

Automatic Calibrating Method of DLG-type Fault Shearing Deformation Monitoring Instrument
FAN Liang-long,LI Hong,ZHANG Shi-zhong,ZHANG Hong-xu

(Institute of Crustal Dynamics,CEA,Beijing 100085,China)

fault shearing deformation monitoring instrument; automatic calibrating; calibrating device; stepping motor; linearity; repeatability



We introduce the composition of automatic calibrating system,and calibrating principle and method of DLG-type fault shearing deformation monitoring instrument,and give the calibrating result of the system at the Dahuichang seismic station,Fengtai,Beijing.The calibrating result satisfies the demand for corresponding industry standards.