
(1.云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州地震局,云南 蒙自 661100; 2.云南省地震局, 昆明 650224; 3.云南省江川县防震减灾局,云南 江川 652600; 4.昆明医学院 海源学院, 昆明 650106)

B/S结构; 数据库; 台站管理

Design and Implement of B/S Structure-based Synthetic Seismic Station Information Management System
NI Tai-shan1,QUE Yun-cai2,LI Xiang3,LI Ya-fang4

(1.Earthquake Administration of Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture,Mengzi 661100,Yunnan,China)(2.Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)(3.Earthquake Administration of Jiangchuan County,Jiangchuan 652600,Yunnan,Chin

B/S structure; database; station management



Combining with the fact of seismic stations of Yunnan,we use Java language to develop the information management system of seismic station based on B/S structure.Then we operate the system on the servers at the information station in Earthquake Administration of Honghe Prefecture,Yunnan Province.The result shows that the system has improved the efficiency of management work of station.