
(新疆维吾尔自治区地震局,乌鲁木齐 830011)

柴窝堡盆地南缘; 活动断层; 晚第四纪; 活动速率

Latest Activity and Slip Rate of Southern Boundary Fault of Chaiwopu Basin in Xinjiang in Later Quaternary
CHEN Jian-bo,SHEN Jun,LUO Fu-zhong,XIANG Zhi-yong,LI Jun,HU Wei-hua,WU Chuan-yong,SHI Guang-lin

(Earthquake Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Urumqi 830011,Xinjiang,China)

Southern boundary of Chaiwopu basin; active fault; Late Pleistocene; activity rate


通过航、卫片解译和野外实地踏勘对新疆柴窝堡盆地南缘断层晚第四纪以来的活动特征及活动速率方面有了新的认识:研究认为该断层晚第四纪以来曾有过强烈的活动,断层最新活动在南台子断错乌鲁木齐河Ⅰ级阶地的全新世砂土卵砾石层,形成20~40 cm的垂直断距,在柴窝堡盆地盐湖以南断错冲沟河流Ⅱ级阶地的晚更新世砾石层,垂直断距大于9 m,初步估算晚更新世以来该断层的垂直活动速率为0.09 mm/a,引起的水平缩短速率为0.5 mm/a。作为柴窝堡盆地南缘断层分支的板房沟断层,其最新活动的证据是断错了乌鲁木齐河Ⅰ级阶全新世砾石层。

Through satellite shot,ground survey and geologic exploration,we had a new understanding of the activity and slip rate on Southern margin fault of Chaiwopu basin since Late Pleistocene.It was suggested that this active fault once had strong activities since Late Pleistocene.Latest activity of the fault has leaped sand gravel stratum during Holocene at I river terrace with vertical displacement of 20~40 cm and colluvial wedge of 50cm,and has also leaped fine gravel landform with horizontal bedding during Late Pleistocene at II river terrace with vertical displacement of more than 9m,horizontal shortening displacement of more than 50m,vertical activity rate of 0.09mm/a since Late Pleistocene and horizontal shortening rate of 0.5mm/a.In addition,the activity of Banfanggou fault,which is the branch of the Southern margin fault of Chaiwopu basin,latest proof of leaping gravel landform at I river terrace.