
(1.同济大学 海洋与地球科学学院海洋地质国家重点实验室反射地震学研究组,上海 200092; 2.云南大学 地球物理系,昆明 650091; 3.上海市地震局,上海 200062)

库仑破裂应力; 应力触发; 云南

Far-field Triggering Effect of Dynamic Stress on Seismicity in Yunnan Produced by Great Earthquake's Waves
XIE Chao-di1,2,WU Xiao- ping2,ZHU Yuan-qing1,3

(1.Reflection Seismic research Group,School of Ocean & Earth Science,Tongji University,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)(2.Geophysics Department,Yunnan University,Kunming 650091,Yunnan,China)(3.Seismological Bureau of Shanghai,Shanghai 200062,China)

dynamic Coulomb failure stress,stress triggering,Yunnan region


基于云南数字地震台网记录,计算了印尼大震、昆仑山口西大震和古吉拉特邦大震的地震波在云南地区产生的远场动态库仑破裂应力变化,研究了大震产生的动态库仑破裂应力变化对云南地震活动的远场动态应力触发作用及其特征。结果 显示,印尼大震产生的库仑破裂应力对云南地震活动有明显的触发作用,昆仑山口西大震产生的库仑破裂应力对云南地震活动有触发作用,但不显著,古吉拉特邦大震在云南地区产生的库仑破裂应力没有触发作用。最后分析和探讨了这3次大震触发作用差异的原因。

The changes of far-field dynamic Coulomb failure stress produced by great earthquakes in Yunnan are calculated on the basis of seismic records from 26 digital seismic stations in Yunnan by using three great earthquakes as examples including MS8.7 Indonesia earthquake,MS8.1 Kunlun earthquake and MS7.8 Gujarat earthquake in India.The far-field dynamic triggering effect of Coulomb stress changes on seismicity and their triggering characteristics are studied in Yunnan.Result shows that the dynamic Coulomb failure stress caused by the Indonesia earthquake have strong triggering effect on earthquake activity in Yunnan,the stress of Kunlun earthquake also have some triggering effect,but that of Gujarat earthquake don't have triggering effect.The physical mechanism of the different triggering effect among the three earthquakes are investigated and discussed.