
(1.云南省地震局,昆明 650224; 2.昭通市防震减灾局,云南 昭通 657000)

汶川地震; 水位异常; 云南

Probing the Long-term Anomaly of Groundwater Level of Shuifu in Yunnan Area before the Wenchuan MS8.0 Earthquake
ZHANG Li1,HE De-qiang2,SHEN Bo2,SU You-jin2

(1.Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)2.Infosystom For Seismological Breau of Zhaotong,Zhaotong 657000,Yunnan,China)

Wenchuan earthquake,water level anomaly,Yunnan



The value of water level in groundwater at Shuifu station in Zhaotong city Yunnan province appeared trend descend anomaly before the MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake in May 12,2008.The anomaly shows characteristics with long-term anomaly and large extend.Obviated the infection of rainfall,the relationship between this anomaly and the Wenchuan earthquake is analyzed,which focused on the form of the anomaly,the duration of anomaly and the construction of the Shuifu station.The results show that long-term water level anomalies exist in the strong earthquakes seismogenic period.