
(1.宁夏回族自治区地震局,银川 750001; 2.中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学学院,合肥 230026)

接收函数; 地壳厚度; 泊松比; 宁夏地区

Inversing the Crustal Thickness in Ningxia Area by H-Kappa Method
XIE Xiao-feng1,CHONG Jia-jun2,LIU Yuan-yuan2,YAO Lin1

(1.Earthquake Administration of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,Yinchuan 750001,Ningxia,China)(2.School of Earth and Space Sciences,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,Anhui,China)

receiver function; crustal thickness; Poisson ratio; Ningxia area


利用宁夏区域数字地震台网记录到的远震提取接收函数,用H-Kappa叠加方法反演得到宁夏区域数字地震台网子台下方的地壳厚度和波速比。结果 显示,宁夏地区地壳平均厚度约为46 km,并且由西南向东北逐渐减薄,南北两端地壳厚度差异达15 km,东西两端地壳厚度差异达8 km。泊松比计算结果显示,宁夏北部和中南部的泊松比值较高,中北部泊松比值较低。

Receiver functions were calculated by using teleseismic records of Ningxia Digital Seismic Network,and crustal thickness in Ningxia area is obtained by stacking receiver functions with H-Kappa technique.The results reveal that the average crustal thickness in Ningxia is about 46 km,and the crust becomes thinner from Southwest to Northeast.The crust in the South is 15 km thicker than that in the North,while the one in the West is 8 km thicker than that in the East.The Poisson ratio in the North and the middle South has a higher value,while in the middle North it is relatively low.These results will be valuable for understanding the velocity structure and the contents of the crust in the Ningxia area.