
(云南省地震局,昆明 650224)

国家标准; 简易房屋; 地震; 失去住所人数; 评估

Assessment of number of homeless caused by earthquake within simple-buildings in Yunnan
ZHOU Guang-quan

(Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

National standards,simple-buildings,earthquake,number of homeless,assessment


《地震现场工作第4部分:灾害直接损失评估》(GB/T 18208.4—2005)提出了简易房屋概念,并将房屋建筑原有的5个破坏等级进行了适当的合并,简化为简易房屋的3个破坏等级。遵循破坏等级合并原理,通过对云南地区已有震例房屋建筑破坏比与简易房屋地震失去住所人数之间相互关系的深入研究,给出简易房屋地震失去住所人数估算公式。

Class of simple-buildings has been promoted in〈Post-earthquake field works-Part 4:Assessment of direct loss〉,the former five damege levels of simple-buildings has been simplified to three levels.We intensive studied the former assessment ensamples and the relation between damaye ratio buildings and number of homeless people,combined the corresponding levels,put the formula forward that assessment the number of homeless caused by earthquake within simple-buildings.