
(云南省地震局,昆明 650224)

横波分裂; 裂隙各向异性; 延迟时间; 宁洱地震

Study on the Shear-wave Splitting of the 2007 Ning'er, Yunnan,MS6.4 Earthquake Sequence
MAO Hui-ling,QIN Jia-zheng

(Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

shear-wave splitting; extensive dilatancy anisotropy; delay time; Ning'er earthquake



In this paper,the result of the study about the aftershock-swarm of the MS6.4 earthquake occurred on June 3,2007 in Ning'er,Yunnan Province was given and the existence of both shear-wave splitting and the extensive dilatancy anisotropy in the upper crust of Ning'er region were recognized.The fast shear wave has two preponderant polarization-directions—NW140°and NW150°,which agree with the regional principal compressive stress.The delay time of the shear wave dynamically responds to the variation of stress field and increases before strong aftershocks.