
(中国地震局第一监测中心,天津 300180)

GNSS; 水平无偏差应变场; 解析式; 多核函数; 滤波; 精度评定

Non-deviation Calculation and Filtering of Spherical Horizontal Strain Field
YANG Bo,ZHANG Feng-shuang,HAN Yue-ping,HUA Cai-hong

(First Crust Monitoring and Application Center,CEA,Tianjin 300180,China)

GNSS; non-deviation horizontal strain field; analytic formula,multi-kernel funtion; filtering; precision evaluation


GNSS观测资料为研究地壳应变场提供了必要的依托,但如何较为完整或恰当地反映各种地壳应变信息仍存在缺陷。从连续变化的角度出发,在ITRF参考框架下水平运动场的基础上,借助于多核函数获得水平运动场的解析式,据此,利用球面上无偏差应变计算式给出应变场结果,再利用多核函数法进行空间滤波,最后给出了利用本方法进行应变计算的实际算例。该方法有如下特点:① 适用于各种空间尺度的地壳应变场描述,并且全面而又客观; ② 根据不同的需求和实际资料情况可提取不同频谱及其以内的应变信息; ③ 可对应变参量进行严密的精度评定;

GNSS observation data help us to reveal the crustal strain field,but the data have some shortcomings to reflect all kinds of strain information completely and appropriately.On the point of continuous variation,and on the foundation of the horizontal-motion field of ITRF reference frame,we obtain the analytic expression of horizontal-motion field by means of multi-kernel function.Further,the strain field result is given by using spherical non-deviation expression,and space filtering is carried on by means of multi-kernel function.Finally,we give a practical example of strain calculation using this method.Both theoretical and example analysis suggest that the method we proposed has characteristics as follows:① It is suitable for the strain field comprehensive and objective description of every space scale; ② Different frequency spectrum and its strain information can be extracted according to different requirements and data; ③ Precision of strain parameters can be evaluated rigorously; ④ Further analysis and calculation can be done on the foundation of analytic expression.