
(云南省地震局,昆明 650224)

断层形变; 累积率; 跨断层短水准; 短基线; 云南地区

Variation of the Cumulative Rate of Cross-fault Deformation and Strong Earthquakes in Yunnan
WANG Yong-an,LI Qiong,LIU Qiang

(Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

deformation of the fault; accumulation rate; cross-fault short levelling; short baseline; Yunnan


对云南跨断层短水准、短基线资料的形变累积率进行了计算分析。结果 表明,在跨断层形变观测期,云南地区强震发生前3年内,水准、基线的形变累积率多数有较明显的变化过程,而且一些测项的累积率在临震前会发生加速或转折性变化; 震中及其附近地区的跨断层形变累积率梯度相对较大。

We calculate the accumulation rate of the observed strain of the faults in Yunnan by cross-fault,short levelling,and short baseline from 1988 to 2010.We find that the strain accumulation rate had been variating significantly 3 years before the strong earthquakes.Meanwhile,at some observing points it would speed up or slow down shortly before the earthquake.And the gradient of the accumulation rate would become large in the epicenter and the nearby area.