
(云南省地震局,昆明 650224)

汤加地震; 数字记录; 分析对比

Features of the Seismic Phases of MS7.7 Tonga Earthquake in 2009
CHEN Xiang,SHEN Dao-kang,XIA Li-hong,DENG Cun-hua,LI Lei

(Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

Tonga Earthquake; digital waveform; analysis of phase



We analyze the waveform of the MS7.7 Tonga Earthquake occurred on March 19,2009,which is recorded by the digital seismometers at Kunming Seismic Station,and contrast it with those recorded by other seismic stations such as Lanzhou,Chengdu,Enshi,Taiyuan and Guiyang in China.Thus,we find the features of the waveform of the earthquakes occurred in Tonga,for example,the SKS-phase precedes the S-phase.Then we put forward some methods to help the seismographer correctly determine the SKS-phase and the S-phase.