
(南开大学 环境科学与工程学院,天津 300071)

海河断裂; 随机有限断层法; 近场强地震动; 峰值加速度

Computing the Ground Motion of the Haihe Fault with Stochastic Finite Fault Model
WANG Xiao-rong,YI Li-xin,LI Peng

(College of Environmental Science & Engineering,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China)

the Haihe Fault; stochastic finite-fault model; near-field strong ground motion; peak acceleration



The Haihe Fault is a major active fault in Tianjin.It is an important basis for the seismologists to determine the potential earthquake sources,and it plays a decisive role for people to select the aseismic design parameters.In this paper,we make a homogeneous layer of horizontal fault model to compute the effect of ground motion of a hypothetic M6.5 earthquake generated by the Haihe Fault using stochastic finite-fault method.The new method overcomes the shortcomings of the integrated probability method that can not reflect the near filed effect.And it reflects the upfault feature.The result from the new method can serve as the maximum credible ground motion to check seismic fortification deformation.The result which is useful for disaster reduction in this zone can also serve as a reference for integrated probability calculations.