
(云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

姚安地震; 流动观测; 峰值加速度; 震灾快评

Emergent Strong-motion Observation of Yao'an MS6.0 Earthquake in 2009
LI Shi-cheng, CUI Jian-wen, ZHANG Qian, GAO Dong, LIU Qiong-xian, DUAN Jian-xin,BAO Yi-feng,HUANG Xiao-dong

(Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

Yao'an earthquake; mobile observation; peak ground acceleration; earthquake damage rapid assessment


介绍了2009年姚安MS6.0地震强震动应急流动观测台站的布设、记录获取及初步处理结果等情况,并对此次地震余震的高加速度峰值、低地震烈度等有关问题予以讨论,结果认为:场地条件对地面地震动峰值影响较大; 高地震动峰值的相对持时短是此次4.7级余震震害轻的主要原因。

Firstly, we introduce the emergency actions we took against the Yao'an MS6.0 earthquake on July 9, 2009, such as the deployment of the mobile stations of strong motion, the capture and process of the strong motion recordings of the Yao'an aftershocks, etc. Then, through discussing the phenomenon of the highpeak acceleration and low intensity of the MS4.7 aftershock, we find that the site condition has a significant effect on the peak of ground motion, and it is the short relative-duration of the peak-value of the aftershock that mainly caused serious damage despite the low intensity.