
(福建省地震局,福建 福州 350003)

地震序列类型; 分布特征; 地震活动; 福建

Geographic Distribution Feature of the Earthquake-Sequence Type in Fujian Province and Its Vicinity
LIN Song-jian,ZHAO Zhi-wei

(Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province,Fuzhou 350003,Fujian,China)

earthquake sequence type; distribution feature; seismicity; Fujian


整理和分析了1971~2009年发生在福建及邻区的46组地震序列。结果 显示:福建地区具有较明显的地震序列类型分区特征:东部沿海地区以孤立型或主余震型地震活动为主,而西部内陆地区多发生震群型地震; 地震序列类型分布特征可能与福建地区地震动力作用、构造应力场及地震断层运动性质、地层岩性分布特征有关,同时地震序列类型分布特征也从一个侧面反映了福建地区地震构造运动及动力环境。这些结果对分析福建地区地震活动特征及震后趋势的准确预测有所帮助。

The analysis of 46 earthquake sequences from 1971 to 2009 in Fujian Province and its vicinity shows that Fujian can be divided into subareas with kinds of earthquake types; in East Fujian the isolated earthquakes or mainshock-aftershock earthquakes are predominant. In West Fujian the swarm-type earthquakes are predominant. The distribution feature of the earthquake-sequence type in Fujian is decided by the earthquake dynamic force function,tectonic stress field and the kinetic property of faults,and formation lithology distribution in this area. The results are useful for analyzing the seismicity in Fujian area and judging the earthquake type after the main shock.