
(宝鸡文理学院 灾害监测与机理模拟陕西省重点实验室,陕西 宝鸡 721013)

地震灾害; 认知; 响应; 勉县; 民众

Research on the Cognition And Responses of the Public to the Earthquake Disaster:a Case Study of Mian County Disaster Area in Shaanxi Province by the Wenchuan Earthquake
WANG Chang-yan,ZHOU Qi

(Bao Ji University of Arts and Sciences,Key Laboratory Institute of Disaster Monitoring and Mechanism Simulation of Shaanxi Province,Baoji 721013,Shaanxi,China)

earthquake disaster; cognition and response; Mian County; the public


使用问卷调查和深度访谈的方法,系统研究了汶川灾区陕西勉县民众对地震灾害的认知与响应。结论 如下:① 灾区民众对汶川地震灾害的认知与响应综合得分率偏低; ② 研究区女性的地震灾害认知程度和地震灾害的响应水平与能力略高于男性; ③ 公职人员地震灾害认知与响应的综合水平得分率最高,工商业者在地震灾害知识4个变量上的得分率均较低; ④ 不同年龄段的人群在面临汶川地震灾害的巨大冲击时,认知与响应能力总体上随年龄增加而呈现降低趋势,41~50岁年龄段人群出现明显反弹现象; ⑤ 受教育程度与认知与响应综合水平及地震灾害知识间的正相关最强,与防震减灾技能和情绪、信息传播2个变量间的相关性稍弱,与灾时自救互救实况没有相关。

Mian County of Shaanxi Province is one of the disaster areas of the Wenchuan,Sichuan MS8.0 earthquake occurred in 2008. In order to supply scientific basis for earthquake disaster prevention and reduction,we research systematically on the cognition and response of the public in Mian County to the Wenchuan earthquake through questionnaire survey and field interview. The main conclusions are as follows:(1)The comprehensive scoring rate of the public's cognition and response to the Wenchuan earthquake disaster is lower,and the public's disaster-coping skill and level are not ideal. There is obvious positive correlation between cognition and response of the public; their disaster cognition and coping skills affect the their behaviors and attitudes during and after earthquake.(2)The women's level of cognition and response to earthquake disaster is a little higher than the men's.(3)The comprehensive level of public functionary's cognition and response to the earthquake disaster is the highest,and the scoring rates of four variables such as earthquake knowledge of workers and businessmen are all smaller.(4)The people's cognition and response to the earthquake disaster is as a whole decreasing with age,however,cognition and response to the earthquake disaster of people aging from 41 to 50 obviously rebounds.(5)People's educational level has stronger positive correlations with their cognition and response level,but it has weaker correlations with people's skills on earthquake disaster prevention and reduction,and with the information spread after earthquake. And it has no correlations with people's self-aid and mutual aid in the earthquake event.