
(云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

建(构)筑物; 生命线系统; 震害特征; 破坏机理; 盈江地震

Seismic Disaster Characteristic and Damage Mechanism of the Yingjiang MS5.8 Earthquake
CHEN Kun-hua,LU Yong-kun,ZHANG Yan-qi,PANG Wei-dong,XIE Ying-qing

(Earthquake Administrator of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

buildings; lifeline system; characteristics of earthquake disaster; destroy mechanism; Yingjiang earthquake



First,we introduce the general situation of buildings,lifeline system and water conservancy in Yingjiang MS5.8 earthquake,then elaborate the seismic disaster characteristic and the damages mechanisms of various buildings,lifeline system and water conservancy.At last,we propose the suggestions to restoration and rebuilding,the experience of site selection,construction and seismic fortification of buildings,and the measures for reinforcing anti-seismic of various buildings in the seismic area.