
(1.甘肃省地震局 兰州观象台,甘肃 兰州 730046; 2.甘肃省地震局,甘肃 兰州 730000; 3.甘肃省地震局 高台地震台,甘肃 高台 734300)

64型地震仪; 仿真; 传递函数; 零极点值; 兰州台

Application of 64-type Seismometer Simulations on Digital Seismic Observation in Lanzhou Station
CHEN Shuang-gui1,CHEN Ji-feng2,Zhang Shu-zhen1,LI Jian-kang3,HAN Ying1

(1.Lanzhou Observatory Station,Earthquake Administration of Gansu Province,Lanzhou 730046,Gansu,China)(2.Earthquake Administration of Gansu Province,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China)(3.Gaotai Seismic Station,Earthquake Administration of Gansu Province,Gaotai 734300,Gansu,China)

64-type seismometer; simulation; transfer function; zero-pole values; Lanzhou Observatory Station


依据地震仪仿真的原理和方法,通过整理兰州台64型地震仪多年的模拟记录标定数据,由已知64型地震仪的传递函数表达式,通过分析计算,求解得到零极点值。把64型地震仪作为目标仿真仪添加到分析软件中,并在兰州台日常的大震速报和分析工作中得以检验。结果 表明64型地震仪对中远距离弱震、较小的极远震以及发生在兰州台影区的地震进行仿真,可以清晰的识别初至P波到时、初动方向与提高震相辨别。

Based on the principle and method of seismometer simulation,we made the EDSP-IAS analysis software as a platform in daily work and processed the calibration data of analog recording for many years.Using the known transfer function of 64-type seismometer,we obtained the zero-pole value by means of analyzing calculation.We made the 64-type seismometer as a target simulation instrument added to the EDSP-IAS analysis software,and the improved software had been verified in the large earthquake rapid alerting and analysis work in Lanzhou Station.The results showed that we simulated the weak earthquake in medium-long distance,smaller ultra-distant earthquake and the earthquake occurred in the shade area in Lanzhou Station by 64-type seismometer,we can easily discriminate the arrival time of initial P-wave,first motion direction,and the phase discrimination has greatly improved by 64-type seismometer.