陈晓发1,2,3,王 挺1,2,3

(1.广东省地震局,广东 广州 510070; 2.中国地震局地震监测与减灾技术重点实验室,广东 广州 510070; 3.广东省地震预警与重大工程安全诊断重点实验室(筹),广东 广州 510070)

智能域名解析; 内容分发网络; 缓存技术; 全站加速

Application Research of CDN Technology in Guangdong Seismic Information Center
CHEN Xiao-fa1,2,3,WANG Ting1,2,3

(1. Earthquake Administration of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou 510070,Guangdong,China)(2. Key Laboratory of Earthquake Monitoring and Disaster Mitigation Technology,CEA,Guangzhou 510070,Guangdong,China)(3. Key Laboratory of Guangdong Province Earthquake Ea

intelligent DNS resolution; CDN; cache technology; whole site acceleration


在对CDN原理和广东省地震信息网配置情况进行深入分析的基础上,结合智能DNS解析和内容缓存技术,实现了广东省地震信息网CDN全站加速的架构,并对该系统应用前后网站访问速度进行测试。结果 表明该方案大幅提升了网站的访问速度和负载能力。最后,结合河源4.8级地震对网站的访问情况进行了统计分析,从网站流量统计、访问概况及WEB服务器负载3个方面进一步验证了系统的可靠性和实用性。

Based on in-depth analyzing principle of Content Delivery Network(CDN)technology and figuration of Guangdong Seismic Information Network(GSIN),we build the acceleration architecture of whole site in CDN for GSIN by techniques of intelligent DNS resolution and content cache. Through the speeds test of access to the web site before and after the application of the system,and the test results show that it significantly improved the speed of access to the site and site load capacity. Finally,we make a statistical analysis of access to the GSIN combined with Heyuan M4.8 earthquake,which verify the rialable and realize of system from the three aspects such as traffic statistics,access overview and load of website server.