
(中国地震局第二监测中心,陕西 西安 710054)

最小二乘配置; 定点形变; 异常识别

Application Study of Least Square Collocation in Fixed Point Deformation Characteristic Curve and Anomaly Identification
JIA Peng,ZHANG Xi,TANG Hong-tao,LI Rui-sha

(The Second Monitoring and Application Center,CEA,Xi'an 710054,Shannxi,China)

least square collocation; fixed point deformation; fitting; extrapolation



The Gauss-Function covariance model based on least square collocation was applied in the anomaly assisted identification of fixed point deformation characteristic curves. We used two different examples to show that the filtering,interpolation and extrapolation of least square collocation can be simulated the trend of fixed point deformation curves and assisted searching their anomaly characteristics in short-,medium-and long-term. The least square collocation method has certain significance for identifying the fixed point deformation.