
(1.青海省地震局,青海 西宁 810001; 2.青海省黄南州地震局,青海 同仁 811399)

地震前兆观测; 环境干扰; 人为干扰

Analysis on Interference Factor of Precursor Items at Tongren Station in Qinghai Province
QIU Peng-cheng1,CAI Li-wen1,ZHANG Bin2

(1. Earthquake Administration of Qinghai Province,Xining 810001,Qinghai,China)(2. Earthquake Administration of Huangnan Prefecture in Qinghai Province,Tongren 811399,Qinghai,China)

seismic precursor observation; environment interference; human disturbance


对2008~2012年青海省地震局同仁地震台各前兆测项所受到的干扰情况进行了分析,分析结果认为:环境干扰因素主要有西山沟河渗水、气压突变和雷电等; 人为干扰因素包括校准、检查、换水、供电线路改造等; 观测技术系统干扰因素有供电电源故障、开机和重启仪器、仪器主机(数采)故障等。

Analyzing the interference situation of precursor items at Tongren Station in Qinghai from 2008 to 2012,the result shows that the environment interference factors mainly include the water percolation of Xishan River,pressure mutation and thunder and lightning etc.,the human disturbance factors include the calibration,checking,changing the water,power supply line reconstruction etc.,the interference factors of observation system include power supply fault,startup and restarting the instrument,and the instrument host(data acquisition)fault etc..