
(中国地震灾害防御中心,北京 100029)

地震灾害损失; 调查评估; 培训系统; 在线考试子系统

Design and Implementation of Online Examination Subsystem for China Earthquake Disaster Loss Investigation
Assessment Training System

(China Earthquake Disaster Prevention Centre,Beijing 100029,China)



On the basis of discussing the disaster evaluation training or test mode and the effective choosing assessment team according to the system assessment results in the future,we mainly introduced the online examination system for China Earthquake Disaster Loss Investigation Assessment Training System(CEDLIATS)based on ASP.NET,which was included research and development.,requirements analysis,functional module division,question mechanism,examination mechanism and marking mechanism,as well as database design etc..This subsystem can be used to test the basic qualification and comprehensive abilities of the national disaster evaluation persons,also can undertake level certification.It also can effectively guarantee that the business level of disaster assessment persons improve constantly and meet the high skill requirements of “Be ready to assemble at the first call and be capable of fighting”.