
(1.青海省地震局,青海 西宁 810000; 2.西宁市地震局,青海 西宁 810000)

sPn震相; 震源深度; 地壳模型; 波形互相关; 滑动时窗相关法

Focal Depth Determination of Earthquake in Qaidam Basin by sPn Phase
LI Qilei1, CUI Yu1, AN Lixia2, LI Yuli1, MA Li1

(1.Earthquake Administration of Qinghai Province, Xining 810000, Qinghai, China)(2.Earthquake Administration of Xining City, Xining 810000, Qinghai, China)

sPn phase; focal depth; crustal model; waveform cross-correlation; sliding window correlation method


利用青海省遥测地震台网的观测记录,对比分析震相特征,提取出了两次地震记录的sPn震相,并分别推导出单、双层地壳模型下的震源深度公式,计算了两次地震事件的震源深度。为验证计算结果的可靠性,利用滑动窗互相关技术进行对比,两者计算出的震源深度相差1.0 km。但分析相关系数图后,认为由于地震震级较小,滑动窗法在识别sPn震相时存在误差,误差修正后得出的结果与人工识别计算的结果一致。

Based on observation data recorded by Qinghai Remote Digital Seismic Network, we exacted the sPn phases of Golmud M4.0 and M3.6 earthquakes by phase characteristic comparison. Then we derived the mathematical formula of focal depth in the case of single-layer and two-layer model respectively, and calculated the focal depth of these two earthquakes. In order to verify the reliability of the calculation results, we compared the focal depth determined by the cross-correlation technique of sliding window with the artificial recognition, and found that the difference of the focal depth by two methods is 1.0 km. After observing the correlation coefficient, there exits an error while we identified the sPn phase by the sliding window method because of the magnitude of the earthquake are small, however, the arrival times of the obtained phases are in agreement with that of the artificial recognition after error correction.