
(中国地震灾害防御中心,北京 100029)

地震废墟救援; 数据库群组; Web; 管理平台

Management Platform of Earthquake Ruins Rescue Database Based on Web
WANG Dongming, ZHU Damiao

(China Earthquake Disaster Prevention Center, Beijing 100029, China)

earthquake ruins rescue; database group; Web; management platform



Taking the “full data” as the design concept, we proposed the establishment of earthquake ruins rescue database group and built the earthquake ruin rescue database management platform based on Web, which can achieve to collect, select, organize and share the rescue data of earthquake debris. Based on the database group, we accumulated the seismic field data. As the basis for the scientific research in the field, the database management platform could provide professional rescue knowledge, technical services and scientific guidance for daily learning and training of earthquake rescue team, further improve the overall ability and comprehensive quality of our earthquake rescue team.