
(1.南阳师范学院 环境科学与旅游学院,河南 南阳 473061; 2.长安大学 地质工程与测绘学院,陕西 西安 710054)

青藏高原及邻域; GRACE; 重力场; 地壳均衡效应

Long-term Gravity Change of Tibet Plateau and its Surrounding Area Derived from GRACE
JIANG Yongtao1,WANG Limei1,GAO Chunchun1,YANG Jiuyuan2

(1.School of Environment Science and Tourism,Nanyang Normal University,Nanyang 473061,Henan,China)(2.School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710054,Shaanxi,China)

the Tibet plateau and its adjacent area; GRACE; gravity field; crustal isostatic effect


利用2003和2013年的GRACE月重力场模型,求算2003~2013年青藏高原及邻域的现今重力变化图像,利用该趋势图像中若干特征点上的月重力变化数据,由最小二乘拟合其长期重力变化,验证重力变化图像的可靠性,最后简要探讨青藏高原重力变化的原因。结果 显示,现今青藏高原及邻域未呈现整体尺度的重力变化趋势; 近年来青藏高原强震主要发生在重力变化呈现明显四象限分布特征的大型断裂带上; 相对于地壳均衡效应不明显的青藏高原东缘地区,高原腹地的地壳均衡效应更加显著。

Based on the GRACE monthly gravity models from 2003 to 2013,we first indicated the long-term gravity change pattern of Tibet plateau and its adjacent areas.Then we studied the monthly gravity variation data of eight feature points in gravity variation tendency graphy and fitted its long period gravity variation by the least squares method,which validated the reliability of the gravity change pattern.Finally the possible reasons for the gravity change were discussed in Tibet plateau and its adjacent areas.The result shows as follows:The nowadays gravity change does not show a whole-level pattern in Tibet plateau and its adjacent areas.The strong earthquakes for these years broke out on the big faults where the gravity change presented four-quadrant distribution pattern.The crustal isostatic effect in central Tibet plateau is more significant comparing to that of eastern Tibet plateau.