
(福建省地震局,福建 福州 350003)

超高频GPS观测; 人工爆破; 观测精度; 地震预警

Capacity Evaluation of Seismic Displacement Signals Recorded by Ultra-high Frequency GPS:An Artificial Blasting Source Experiment
LI Zuning,LIN Shu,CHEN Chaoxian,CHEN Guang,GUAN Yumei,WANG Ziyan

(Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province,Fuzhou 350003,Fujian,China)

ultra-high frequency; artificial blasting; observation accuracy; earthquake early warning


利用2014年6月福建省地震局进行的人工爆破实验的50 Hz超高频GPS观测数据,采用快速预报星历以及事后精密星历,对观测的数据分别进行准实时和事后精密处理。结果 显示高频GPS在差分处理模式下,其水平向噪声大致为5 mm,垂直向大致为10 mm。高频GPS差分单历元解在采用快速预报星历与事后精密星历得到的结果基本一致,因此采用快速预报星历进行高频GPS实时解算的结果具有很高的可靠性。同时,通过比较并址的高频GPS和强震仪信号的波形和频率成分发现,差异主要是由于高频GPS和强震仪记录对于不同频率震动信号的响应不同,两者在重叠的频段上有较好的一致性,而这种差异本身体现了一种互补的特征。因此,高频GPS数据的实时处理结果具备监测地表震动的能力,可应用于地震烈度速报与地震预警,成为地表震动和地震研究的良好补充。

An artificial blasting experiment with different equivalent has carried out by Fujian Earthquake Administration in Fujian Province in Jun.,2014.The ultra-high frequency GPS observation data with 50 Hz are employed to near field observations.With quick forecasting ephemeris and post precise ephemeris,the observation data have been treated by quasi real-time and post precision processing respectively.It is resulted that in the differential mode,the horizontal noise of the high frequency GPS is about 5 mm,and the vertical noise is about 10 mm.The solutions of single epoch-differential high rate GPS observation are basically the same by the algorithm of fast forecasting ephemeris and post precise ephemeris respectively.So the result of high frequency GPS real-time decoding is strongly reliability by using quick forecasting ephemeris algorithm.Meanwhile,we find that there exits some difference in waveforms between high frequency GPS and the signal of strong motion seismograph in the same site.After comparing the frequency component,we find that this difference is mainly from the different frequency signal recorded by high frequency GPS and strong motion seismograph respectively.It is shown that the results of high frequency GPS data real-time processing have the ability to monitor the ground shaking,so it could be applied to the seismic intensity rapid reporting and earthquake early warning,it' also could be the good supplement to studying the ground motion and earthquake.