
(云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

鲁甸地震; 龙头山镇; 高密度电法

High Density Resistivity Exploration Method for Ludian MS6.5 Earthquake in Area of Longtoushan Town in 2014
PANG Weidong,YANG Runhai,CHEN Junlei,LI Zhengguang,LU Jigao

(Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

Ludian earthquake; Longtoushan Town; high density resistivity method


鲁甸MS6.5地震造成大量房屋损毁及人员伤亡,其中龙头山镇房屋损毁最严重、人员伤亡最多。地震后,骡马口场地被选为恢复重建的主要场所。应用高密度电法分别对鲁甸震区龙头山场地、骡马口场地进行了勘探作业,初步认为勘探场区内地质构造复杂,断裂发育,构造展布以北东、北西向为主。龙头山场地地层较为破碎,场地内存在一洪积扇,是造成其上建筑物破坏严重的重要因素; 骡马口场地地形开阔、地势平坦,是地震恢复重建的有利场所,场地内存在断裂活动的迹象,建筑选址时应注意避让。同时,认为高密度电法具有高效快捷,资料分析处理相对简单,便于震后断裂构造快速判断和场地快速评估。

The Ludian MS6.5 earthquake on Aug.3,2014 caused severe damages to a large number of houses and heavy casualties.Among the earthquake affected area,the most serious damage to houses and the most casualties was in Lontoushan Town.After the earthquake,the Luomakou site was chosen to the main place for restoration and reconstruction.We explored the Lontoushan and Luomakou sites in Ludian striken area by high density resistivity method respectively,and found that the geological structure is complex,the fault tectonic develops mainly in NE and NW direction in the exploration area.The stratum is broken,and there is a puluvial fan in Longtoushan site,which is an important factor in causing serious damage to buildings.The Luomakuo site with open and flat terrain is a favorable location for earthquake recovery and reconstruction.However,there exit the sign of fault activity in the site,so we should pay attention to avoid it when we select the construction site.Meanwhile,the high density resistivity method has the advantages of high efficiency and fast data analysis and processing,which is easy to handle,judge and evaluate the site rapidly.