
(1.云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224; 2.山东省地震局,山东 济南 250014)

灾情信息; 分类编码; 互联网; 鲁甸地震

Classification and Coding of the Earthquake-disaster Information Based on the Internet and Their Preliminary Application
ZHANG Fanghao1,HE Shifang1,LYU Jiali1,DENG Shurong1,BAI Xianfu1,DONG Xiang2

(1.Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)(2.Earthquake Administration of Shandong Province,Jinan 250014,Shandong,China)

earthquake disaster information; classification and coding; Internet; Ludian MS6.5 earthquake


根据互联网地震灾情信息的特点,参考以往研究对灾情信息的分类情况,遵循已制定的信息分类编码的相关行业和国家标准,结合地震应急响应和处置的需求,紧紧围绕方便计算机存储、查询和使用,服务于灾情会商、影响场判定以及应急救援指挥决策工作的目的 ,采用最基本、最常用的线分类方法,将互联网地震灾情信息按一定的原则和方法进行区分和归类,并建立起一定的分类体系和排列顺序。在分类基础上,利用层次码编码方式,制定出适合实际应用的灾情信息编码规则和编码结构。以2014年云南鲁甸6.5级地震为例,利用互联网收集的灾情信息,进行分类编码及反演对比分析,结果表明,互联网地震灾情信息的灾区范围和受灾程度分布图,与实际调查发布的烈度分布图的范围和受灾程度较为接近,体现出本文分类体系和编码结构的实际作用和价值。

We propose a new method of classification and coding of the earthquake-disaster information from the Internet.Because this sort of information has its own characteristics,our study is on the basis of the previous classification of the disaster information and in accordance with relevant industry standards and nation standards of information classification and coding.Our method focuses on serving for disaster consultation,effected-field determination,commanding and decision-making for post-earthquake emergency.To meet the need of earthquake response and emergency,and to make it convenient for computer storage,query and use,we adopt the commonly-used linear classification method to determine and classify the earthquake-disaster information from the Internet.We set up a classification system and an order.On the basis of our classification system,and according to the hierarchical coding mode,we build a practical encoding rule and a coding structure.Then we collect from the Internet the disaster information of the Ludian MS6.5 earthquake in Yunnan Province on Aug.3,2014,and classify and code the information with our method to make an inverse analysis.We find that the disaster area and the disaster degree got by us are similar to the ones decided through the field investigation.This proves that our classification and coding method is practicable.