
(云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

GNSS; 观测墩; 锚标; 稳定性

Research on Stability of Clark Mark Observation Pier of GNSS Continue Station
WANG Yan,ZHANG Yong,HONG Min,SHAO Desheng,LI Wei,LI Zhijun

(Earthquake Administration of Yunnan Province,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

GNSS; observation pier; clark mark; stability


基于中国大陆构造环境监测网络弥勒站点的钢筋混凝土观测墩与弥勒锚标观测墩所采集的数据,采用Gamit/Globk软件对其进行处理。通过建设初期的基线变化、日周期变化等分析锚标观测墩自身的稳定性,结果表明锚标观测墩在建设初期自身稳定性良好; 通过一年的点位移时间序列对比锚标与钢筋混凝土观测墩之间的差异变化,发现两者具有高度的一致性; 利用高精度全站仪与多路温度计测试锚标观测墩,发现其在温度极端变化时稳定性较高; 因此锚标观测墩可以作为监测地壳运动的基准站点。

Firstly,based on the data recorded by reinforced concrete observation pier and clark mark observation pier at Mile Station in Tectonic Environmental Monitoring Network of China,we process the data by using Gamit/Globk software.Secondly,through analyzing the baseline variation,daily periodic variation etc.,we found that the stability of clark mark observation pier is good at the early stage of construction,and the time series of point displacement in a year recorded by reinforced concrete observation pier and clark mark observation pier have highly consistence.Finally,when the clark mark observation pier was tested by using high-precision total station and multi-channel thermometer in the condition of extreme temperature,the stability of it is higher.So the clark mark observation pie could be used as the reference site for monitoring crustal movement.