
(英文)] Osamu KUSAKABE (Tokyo Institute of Technology,Tokyo,Japan)

自然灾害; 地震; 易损性; 缓解; 安全指数 *收稿日期:2016-11-01.

A Thought:What have We Learned from Natural Disasters? Five Years after the Great East Japan Earthquake

(Tokyo Institute of Technology,Tokyo,Japan)

natural disaster,earthquake,vulnerability,mitigation,safety index


2011年3月11日的东日本大地震发生后,表明日本极易受到自然灾害的破坏,但缺乏足够为减轻自然灾害的社会制度。首先,介绍了从近些年的自然灾害中得出的经验,包括1995年阪神―淡路地震、 2011 年东日本大地震、2015年关东地区洪水和 2016 年熊本地震等。然后,指出了与灾害相关知识社会化的必要性,以及发展自然灾害安全指标体系的必要性,为政策制定者和决策者提供优先考虑且可执行的缓解措施。最后,对当前土木工程专业所缺乏的减轻自然灾害的考虑提出些许建议。

:After the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11,2011,it appeared that Japan was extremely vulnerable to natural disasters and was lacked of adequate social systems for mitigating natural disasters.This paper describes the author's views on what we have learned from recent natural disasters,including the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995,the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011,the Kanto-Tohoku Flooding in 2015 and the Kumamoto Earthquake in 2016.The paper then points out the need for socialization of disaster-related knowledge,followed by a need for the development of safety index systems for natural disasters for policy makers and decision makers to prioritize mitigation measures to be implemented.The paper also adds the author's view on what current civil engineering profession lacks for mitigating natural disasters.