
(云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224)

包谷垴—小河断裂; 地磁场总强度; 地磁测量; 鲁甸地震

Lithosphere Magnetic Anomaly Analysis of Related Faults of the 2014 Ludian MS6.5 Earthquake
WANG Qinghua,CHEN Zhengyu,ZHANG Zhonglong,ZHAO Yufei,GU Jian

(Yunnan Earthquake Agency,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

Baogunao-Xiaohe Fault; total intensity of geomagnetism; geomagnetic survey; the Ludian earthquake


使用2014年4月川滇交界东部100个测点的地磁场总强度原始观测数据,经数据计算消除变化磁场并剥离掉主磁场,得到岩石圈磁场模型数据。利用重磁勘探系统软件(GMS3.0)对该模型数据进行解析延拓,分别生成岩石圈磁场的浅表和深部异常,结合鲁甸6.5级地震的地震序列、震源区的地质资料进行初步分析。结果 表明:莲峰断裂、小江断裂北段切割深度在15 km及以上,昭通—鲁甸断裂、包谷垴—小河断裂的切割深度均不足15 km。另外,鲁甸地震余震的空间分布沿包谷垴—小河断裂呈NW向展布,结合余震的深度,进一步推测了包谷垴—小河断裂的切割深度约12 km。

In this paper,the original observation data of 100 points of total geomagnetic field at the junction in eastern-ward of Sichuan and Yunnan are obtained in April,2014.The data is calculated through eliminating the changing magnetic field and stripping off the main magnetic field,and the magnetic field model data of lithosphere is received.Then the GMS3.0 software is used to analyze the model data,and the shallow and deep anomalies of the lithospheric magnetic field are generated,respectively.Combined the seismic sequence characteristics and geological data of the Ludian M6.5 earthquake,it shows that:the Lianfeng fault and north section of the Xiaojiang fault's cut a depth of 15 km and above,while the Zhaotong-Ludian fault cut a depth of less than 15km.In addition,the spatial distribution of the Ludian afterchocks is along NW,and considering the aftershocks depth,It shows that the Baogunao-Xiaohe fault cut a depth of about 12km.