
(江苏省地震局,江苏 南京 210014)

余震序列; 初至震相; 地震波; 波谱能量包络; 峰值搜索

Study on the Seismic Event Detection of Spectral Envelope Characteristics
ZHAN Xiaoyan,WANG Hengzhi,WANG Jun,MIAO Fajun,XUE Yingying,ZHU Shengchu

(Jiangsu Earthquake Agency,Nanjing 210014,Jiangsu,China)

aftershock sequence; first P arrival; seismic wave; spectral energy envelope; peak search



Based on the basic idea of acoustic spectrum pattern recognition,we have improved the first arrival seismic phase detection method based on the envelope characteristic of seismic wave spectrum. The improved algorithm is based on the time-frequency characteristics of the inherent ambient noise of station as the criterion of the event triggered detection,and the waveform record feature is converted to spectral energy distribution,and the scaling factor is used to normalize the energy that is larger than the ambient noise level of the station,in order to reduce the influence of the main shock wave on detecting subsequent aftershocks. Through the measurement of two sequences of dense aftershock,the results show that the method presented in this paper,the correct trigger rate is improved by about 19.6%,and the leakage trigger rate is reduced by 22.6%,compared with the automatic detection result of STA/LTA algorithm. It shows stronger anti-interference ability and trigger efficiency,and it is similar to the STA/LTA algorithm,which is running fast and can meet the requirements of the real-time seismic processing system.