
(中国地震局第二监测中心,陕西 西安710054)

三维负位错联合反演; 岷县漳县地震; 断裂闭锁; 断裂活动动态变化

Analysis of Crustal Deformation Joint Inversion for Preparation and Occurrence Process of the 2013 Minxian-Zhangxian MS6.6 Earthquake
ZHANG Xi,ZHANG Sixin,QIN Shanlan,JIA Peng,LI Ruisha

(The Second Monitoring and Application Center,China Earthquake Administration,Xi'an 710054,Shaanxi,China)

joint 3D-negative dislocation inversion; the Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake; locking of fracture; dynamic variation of fracture activities


基于西秦岭构造区区域水准、长水准剖面观测资料,结合GPS速度场约束和跨断层短水准观测数据,借助三维负位错联合反演,分析2013年岷县漳县6.6级地震前相关断裂的中长期闭锁背景,讨论断裂活动的中—短临动态演变以及震后变化。结果 表明:1999—2006年,岷县漳县地震前的震区所在块体即西秦岭北缘断裂与临潭—宕昌断裂之间水平面最大剪应变率、挤压性质的面应变率、垂向梯度率都较大,与构造和动力学背景一致的三维差异运动明显,有利于能量积累和孕育强震。包含漳县地区的西秦岭北缘断裂中段、临潭—宕昌断裂中东段即发震构造的主断裂段闭锁明显,挤压逆断兼左旋,显示中长期能量积累背景。跨西秦岭北缘断裂漳县段至临潭—宕昌断裂中东段岷县地区的长水准剖面显示震前的2008—2011年,西秦岭北缘断裂具有与GPS观测一致的差异运动增强特性; 震前数天,位于这两条闭锁段或其端部的四店、毛羽沟短水准场地出现显著短临突变异常; 震后均显示垂向差异运动呈减弱—恢复趋势。

Based on observational data of the regional leveling and long-distance leveling profiles at the Western Qinling Mountains tectonic area,combined with the GPS velocity field constraints and the cross-fault short-leveling observational data,we analyzed the middle and long term locking background of the related fractures before the 2013 Minxian-Zhangxian MS6.6 earthquake,and discussed the middle-short term dynamic and aftershock variation,aided by the first associated three-dimensional negative dislocation inversion. The results show that,the maximum shear strain rate,compressional surface strain rate and vertical gradient rate of the block between the West Qinling Mountains north edge fault and Lintan-Dangchang fault were larger during 1999 and 2007 before the earthquake. The three-dimensional difference movement,which was consistent with the tectonic and dynamic background,was obvious,which was beneficial to the accumulation of energy and the occurrence of strong earthquake. The middle segment of the West Qinling Mountains north edge fault containing the Zhangxian area,and the middle-eastern segment of Lintan-Dangchang fault which is the main fracture of seismic tectonic,displayed obvious locking feature,and the compressive reverse and left-lateral strike,showed the background of the medium and long term energy accumulation. Moreover,the long-distance leveling profile from the Zhangxian segment of the West Qinling Mountains north edge fault to the Minxian area of the middle-eastern segment of the Lintan-Dangchang fault,showed that the difference movement of the West Qinling Mountains north edge fault enhanced in two years before this earthquake,was consistent with that of the GPS observations. Several days before the earthquake,Sidian and Maoyugou sites located at these two faults reflected large short-impending suddenly change abnormity; after the earthquake,the vertical differential movement decreased and recovered.