
(浙江省地震局,浙江 杭州 310013)

地震影响场; 视频监控; 地震应急; 场景深度估算

Seismic Influence Field Mapping Based on Social Video Surveillance Information Source
LI Dongping,CHEN Haipeng,ZHANG Kai,LIU Qianqian

(Zhejiang Earthquake Agency,Hangzhou 310013,Zhejiang,China)

seismic influence field; video surveillance; earthquake emergency; scene depth estimation


广泛分布于城乡各地的社会视频监控是震后获取地震灾情的重要数据源。基于地震视频灾情判读系统,对基于视频运动估计方法的主要技术原理和分析处理过程进行改进,并将其应用于2017年浙江临安4.2级地震影响场快速评估中。结果 表明:利用该改进方法在震后4 h内得到了基于社会监控的烈度分布,计算得到的最高烈度与现场实际调查相同,等震线优势方向与现场工作结果一致,V度面积和现场工作结果接近。

Social video surveillance widely distributed in urban and rural areas,is an important data source for post-earthquake disaster acquisition. Based on seismic video disaster interpretation system,we improved the main technical principle and analysis processing process of video motion estimation method,and applied it to the rapid evaluation of seismic influence field of Lin'an M4.2 earthquake in Zhejiang. The results show that the intensity distribution based on social monitoring is obtained within 4 hours after the earthquake by using the improved method. The maximum calculated intensity is the same as that in the field investigation. The dominant direction of isoseismal line is consistent with that of field work,and the area of V degree is close to that of field work.