
(1.云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224; 2.中国电信翼支付,上海 200000)

自主框架技术; 信息安全; 软件框架; 设计模式; 消息控制; 地震系统

Research and Application of Self-developed Software Framework in Seismic Application System Development
DUAN Hongjie1,YANG Liwei1,DUAN Ran2,LIU Qiongxian1,CUI Jianwen1

(1.Yunnan Earthquake Agency,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)(2.China Telecom Bestpay,Shanghai 200000,China)


介绍了国内开发的软件由于缺乏自主框架技术导致的问题和危害,强调自主设计和开发软件框架的重要性。在结合国际上流行的通用软件框架设计思路的基础上,分析了世界先进的地震系统的软件框架结构,开发了一套自主设计的软件框架,实现了Message + MVC + CACHE + SSO + DAO设计模式。对框架进行了深层次的优化,运行性能优异。

This paper introduces the problems and harms caused by the lack of self-developed software framework for domestically developed softwares.In view of the growing gap between the domestic software framework level and the international level,independent design and development of software frameworks is a top priority.Based on the international popular general software framework design ideas,this paper analyzes the software framework of the world's advanced seismic system and develops a self-designed software framework.With the simple,practical and efficient development concept,the Message + MVC + CACHE + SSO + DAO design pattern is realized.The framework has been deeply optimized and has excellent running performance.