
(1.云南师范大学地理学部,云南 昆明650500; 2.云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224; 3.中国地震局地质研究所,北京 100029)

地震滑坡; 人员死亡率; logistic模型; 公里网格; 鲁甸地震

Modeling and Testing Earthquake-induced Landslide Casualty Rate Based on a Grid in a Kilometer Scale:Taking the 2014 Yunnan Ludian MS6.5 Earthquake as a Case
BAI Xianfu1,2,NIE Gaozhong3,DAI Yuqian1,YU Qingkun2,LUO Weidong2,YE Liaoyuan1

(1.Faculty of Geography Science,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,Yunnan,China)(2.Yunnan Earthquake Agency,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)(3.Institute of Geology,China Earthquake Administration,Beijing 100029,China)

earthquake-induced landslides; casualty rates; logistic model; grid in a kilometer scale; Ludian MS6.5 earthquake



To improve the accuracy of earthquake casualty assessment,we should improve the earthquake damage assessment system and scientifically assess the possible casualties caused by seismogeological disasters.For this purpose,we developed a logical regression model for earthquake landslide mortality based on 1 km×1 km grid cells using the death data in the landslides of the Yunnan Ludian MS6.5 earthquake in 2014.F-value test was used to examine the model's statistical portability.In the Ludian study area,the computed F-value was infinitely close to 1.This result proved that the model we developed is close to the real model in the Ludian area.According to the field investigation,the earthquake-induced landslides in the Ludian disaster area claimed 250 deaths,while we get 233 deaths by our new model,leaving the accuracy as 93.20%.Furthermore,the death places triggered by landslides are nearly consistent with the ones indicated by our model.This suggests that the computed earthquake-induced landslides mortality values are good indicators of real casualties.