
(1.首都师范大学,北京100048; 2.中国地震台网中心,北京 100045)

GPS; 地震监测; 陆态网络; 应用现状; 发展展望

GPS in Earthquake Monitoring in China:Current Situation and Prospect
WANG Tan1,2,LI Yu2,ZHANG Rui2,SHI Hongbo2,WANG Yuebing2

(1.Capital Normal University,Beijing 100048,China)(2.China Earthquake Networks Center,Beijing 100045,China)

GPS; earthquake monitoring; CMONOC; current situation of GPS application; development prospect


In this paper we firstly review the development of application of GPS technology to earthquake monitoring in China,and then describe mainly GPS application to the following aspects:data processing,time series,velocity field and strain-rate field of the tectonic deformation of the Chinese mainland,quantification of the movement of active blocks in the Chinese mainland,and seismological research.Finally,we discuss the problems and challenges we are currently facing in GPS in earthquake monitoring in China,and put forward prospects from four aspects:earthquake prediction research,basic research,GPS network monitoring layout,and GPS solution accuracy and timeliness.