
(中国地震局工程力学研究所 地震工程与工程振动重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080)

漾濞MS6.4地震; 通信系统; 震害特征; 影响因素; 震后应急恢复

Seismic Damage Survey and Analysis of Communication System in the 2021 Yangbi,Yunnan MS6.4 Earthquake Event
MAO Chenxi,LI Fan

(Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Earthquake Administration,Harbin 150080,Heilongjiang,China)

the Yangbi MS6.4 earthquake; communication system; seismic-damage characteristics; influencing factors; post-earthquake emergency recovery


2021年云南漾濞MS6.4地震发生后,对震区通信系统开展调查,梳理通信系统抗震的薄弱环节。首先介绍了此次地震的概况和震区通信系统的总体灾害情况,然后给出机房、通信基站(机房和设备)、通信铁塔、通信光缆线路的震后损伤状况和特征损伤现象,以及地震后通信系统的应急恢复情况,最后基于灾区通信系统震害情况,给出了提升通信系统抗震性能的建议:①对核心机房内的通信设备安装进行抗震加固; ②重视通信光缆和线杆抗震设计; ③对县城区内光缆和电线进行统一规划设计; ④楼面基站建设前要综合考虑居民楼的楼面附加荷载; ⑤重视非结构破坏,防止对设备造成损伤。
At 21:00 on May 21,2021,an MS6.4 earthquake occurred in Yangbi County,Dali Prefecture,Yunnan Province.A detailed survey was carried out right after the earthquake aiming at investigating the disaster of the communication system in the earthquake-stricken area.In this study,the general situation of the earthquake and the overall disaster situation of the communication system in the disaster area were firstly introduced.Then the characteristic damage phenomena of the base station controllers,base transceiver stations,communication tower and communication optical cable lines were reported in detail.Also,the emergency recovery of the communication system after the earthquake was introduced.Finally,some suggestions based on the disaster survey were provided to improve the aseismic performance of the communication system.These suggestions include:①Aseismic reinforcement should be carried out for the communication equipment without reliable installation; ②Aseismic design should be considered for the communication cable lines and the poles; ③Unified planning should be made for the construction of the communication cable lines and the electric wires in county areas; ④When the base transceiver stations are placed on the roof of the residential buildings,the carrying capacity of the roof panels should be carefully checked.⑤The damage of the nonstructural components should be paid attention to.