
(1.青海省地震局,青海 西宁810001; 2.青海省应急管理厅信息中心,青海 西宁810001)

夏河MS5.7地震; CAP方法; 震源深度; 逆时成像

Determination of the Focal Mechanism and Focal Depth of the Xiahe, Gansu MS5.7 Earthquake in 2019
YUAN Fuquan1,HUANG Hao1,CAI Liwen1,LI Qilei1,ZHAO Yanjie1,LIU Xingsheng2

(1.Qinghai Earthquake Agency,Xining 810001,Qinghai,China;2.Emergency Management Department of Qinghai Province,Xining 810001,Qinghai,China)

the Xiahe earthquake; CAP method; focal depth; time-reversal imaging technique


为了准确测定2019年甘肃夏河MS5.7地震的震源深度,利用青海、甘肃和四川数字地震台网宽频带数字地震波形资料,采用CAP方法和区域速度模型反演夏河地震震源机制,并采用逆时成像技术进一步约束了此次地震的震源深度。结果表明,夏河MS5.7地震是一次逆冲兼走滑型地震,震源深度为5.4 km; 基于遥感解译和野外调查新发现的夏河断裂可能是甘肃夏河5.7级地震的发震构造,即节面Ⅰ(走向305°/倾角52°/滑动角50°)为发震断层面。
In order to accurately determine the focal depth of the Xiahe,Gansu MS5.7 earthquake,we used the broadband waveforms from Qinghai Seismic Networks,Gansu Seismic Networks and Sichuan Seismic Networks to invert the focal mechanism of this earthquake on the basis of Cut-and-Paste(CAP)method and the regional velocity model.We further delimited the earthquake's depth by the time-reversal imaging technique.We find that this earthquake is a thrust and strike slip one,and its focal depth is about 5 km.And its seismogenic fault is the Xiahe fault,which is newly discovered by remote sensing interpretation and field investigation,i.e.the planeⅠ(strike 305°/dips 52°/rake 50°)could be the seismogenic fault.