
(1.中国地震局工程力学研究所 地震工程及工程振动重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080; 2.地震灾害应急管理部重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080)

穿斗式木结构; 现场调研; 建筑特点; 构造特点; 震害特点; 西南地区

Analysis of Architectural and Structural Characteristics and Typical Earthquake Damage to the Chuandou-type Timber Frame in Southwest China:A Case Study of the Mountainous Areas in Guizhou Province
WANG Xianwei1,2,SUN Baitao1,2,CHEN Hongfu1,2

(1.Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Earthquake Administration,Harbin 150080,Heilongjiang,China)(2.Key Laboratory of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation,Ministry of Emergency Management,Harbin 150080,Heilongjiang,China)

the Loess region; ground motion; PGA; the Two-step Regression method; attenuation relations

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2024.0008


为了深入了解穿斗式木结构的抗震能力,从该结构的建筑构造特点出发对其进行详细介绍。基于对贵州黔西南州、黔南州的乡镇村落的实地调查,对穿斗式木结构的建筑特点和构造特点进行了分类归纳; 根据2021年四川泸县6.0级、2022年泸定6.8级地震震中的现场震害调查结果以及自2013以来西南地区6.0级以上典型地震的震害资料,总结了穿斗式木结构房屋的典型震害,包括屋面破坏、围护墙破坏、木构架破坏等,并分析了其震损原因。结果表明:穿斗式木结构独特的榫卯连接形式,使其木构架在地震作用下表现出良好的抗震能力,而填充墙抗震性能相对较差。
In this paper we firstly introduce the characteristics of the Chuandou-type structure in detail,in order to help further understand the seismic capacity of the Chuandou-type timber frame.Based on the field investigation of towns and villages in Qianxinan and Qiannan prefecture of Guizhou province,we classified the architectural characteristics and structural characteristics of the Chuandou-type timber frame.According to the field survey in the disaster areas of the 2021 Luxian MS6.0 earthquake and the 2022 Luding MS6.8 earthquake in Sichuan,and the seismic damage data of the typical earthquakes(MS≥6.0)in southwest China since 2013,the typical earthquake damage to the roof,wall,wood frame,etc.of the Chuandou-type timber frame is summarized.Finally,the causes of damage to the Chuandou-type timber frame are analyzed.The results show that it's unique tenon-mortise connection ensures the good seismic performance of the Chuandou-type timber frame when It's hit by earthquakes.Yet the seismic performance of the Chuandou-type timber frame's infilled walls is relatively poor.