
(1.云南省地震局,云南 昆明 650224; 2.云南大学 地球科学学院,云南 昆明 650504; 3.中国地震局昆明地震预报研究所,云南 昆明 650224)

盐津地震序列; 震源机制解; 重定位; sPn震相; 发震构造

Focal Parameters and Seismogenic Structure of Two Earthquake Sequences in Yanjin,Yunnan
GU Huidong1,2,JIANG Jinzhong1,2,3,LI Jiao1,ZHANG Yan1,3,YANG Yuewen1,WANG Guangming1,3,ZHANG Shuai1,3,YAO Yuan1,3

(1.Yunnan Earthquake Agency,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China;2.School of Earth Sciences,Yunnan University,Kunming 650504,Yunnan,China;3.Kunming Institute of Prediction,China Earthquake Administration,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China)

the Yanjin earthquake sequence; focal mechanism; relocation; sPn phase; seismogenic structure

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2024.0040


2021年1月23日云南盐津发生ML5.2地震,在此次地震前后该区域已经发生了多次中小地震。为了更好地评估该地区的地震危险性及识别发震构造,利用云南和四川地震台网的近震波形资料,采用CAP方法和2种速度模型反演了盐津ML≥3.5地震的震源机制解和震源深度,结合sPn深度震相测定了盐津ML5.2地震的震源深度,最后采用双差定位法对盐津地震序列进行重定位。结果表明:①最大震级为ML5.2的“孤立型”地震序列发震断层为逆断层,走向近SN向、倾向东、倾角约50°,是一次沿断层面自下而上破裂较为充分的浅源地震; ②最大震级为ML3.9的“震群型”地震序列发震断层为走滑型断层,走向为NNW向、倾向北东、倾角约为80°,该序列内3次ML≥3.5地震的震源机制解略有差异,可能是由于该区域复杂的断层结构和应力环境影响所致; ③最大震级为ML3.9的“震群型”地震序列的发震断层可能为盐津—筠连断裂,而最大震级为ML5.2的“孤立型”地震序列的发震断层可能为华蓥山断裂与盐津—筠连断裂共同作用产生的一条未知隐伏断裂。
Before and after the ML5.2 earthquake in Yanjin,Yunnan Province on 23 January 2021,several medium and small earthquakes occurred in this region.In order to better assess the seismic hazard and identify the seismogenic structures in this region,we use the waveform data of the near earthquakes from the Yunnan Seismic Network and the Sichuan Seismic Network to invert the focal mechanisms and the depths of the ML≥3.5 earthquakes in Yanjin by the cut-and-paste(CAP)method and two different velocity models.Then,we determine the depth of the ML5.2 earthquake using the depth phase sPn.Finally,we employ the double-difference relocation method to relocate the earthquake sequences in Yanjin.We obtain that seismogenic fault of the isolated ML5.2 earthquake sequence belongs to the thrust type.It strikes near the N-S direction and dips eastward at 50°.The ML5.2 earthquake has a shallow source,the rupture occurred from the bottom to the top along the fault plane.The seismogenic fault of the swarm-type ML3.9 earthquake sequence belongs to the strike-slip type.It strikes from NNW and dips northeastward at about 80°.The focal mechanisms of the three ML≥3.5 earthquakes in this swarm-type sequence are slightly different,this may be due to the region's complex fault structure and stress environment.Based on this analysis,we believe that the seismogenic fault of the ML3.9 earthquake sequence is the Yanjin-Junlian fault.The seismogenic fault of the ML5.2 earthquake sequence is an unknown hidden fault in the near N-S direction and with a dip angle of about 50°,which is generated by the Huayingshan fault and the Yanjin-Junlian fault.