
(1.河北红山巨厚沉积与地震灾害国家野外科学观测研究站,河北 邢台 054000; 2.河北省地震局,河北 石家庄 050021)

唐山地震; 地震活动特征; 背景地震; 迁移规律

Characteristics of the Recent Seismicity in the Tangshan Old Seismic Region
ZHOU Yi1,2,CAO Jun2,MA Xudong2,SHAN Lianjun2

(1.Hebei Hongshan National Observatory on Thick Sediments and Seismic Hazards,Xingtai 054000,Hebei,China;2.Hebei Earthquake Agency,Shijiazhuang 050021,Hebei,China)

the 1976 Tangshan MS7.8 earthquake; characteristics of seismicity; background seismicity; seismic migration law

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2024.0046


To analyze the seismic background in the Tangshan old seismic region and provide earthquake trend predictions,we describe the characteristics of the recent seismicity in this region.Results show that the recent seismicity in the Tangshan old seismic region is different from the early aftershock intensive area of the 1976 Tangshan MS7.8 earthquake.Considering the statistical results of regional background seismicity,the influence of the Tangshan earthquake is gradual weakening,and the recent seismicity in the Tangshan old seismic region can be considered as background seismicity.The characteristics of seismicity are different in the three sub-areas of the Tangshan old seismic region,the earthquakes mainly concentrate in the central area,followed by the eastern area,and the western area was the weakest,and the moderate earthquake following a law of alternate occurrence in the east,central and west sub-areas.This seismic migration law constitutes a reference for the determination of the locations of future moderate-to-strong earthquakes.At present,the accumulation of tectonic stress is accelerating in the old seismic region of Tangshan.Seismicity changing from quiet to active is possible,and moderate-to-strong earthquakes may occur at the northern segment of the Tangshan Fault and the intersection of the Luanxian-Laoting Fault and the Lulong Fault in the future.