
(1.中国地震局工程力学研究所 地震工程与工程振动重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150000; 2.地震灾害防治应急管理部重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150000; 3.宁夏交通建设股份有限公司,宁夏 银川 750021; 4.广东省地震局,广东 广州 510070)

强震动记录; 开源数据库; 绝对加速度反应谱; 场地分类

Preliminary Recognition of the Data Statistics of Strong Motion Records from the Global Major Open-source Databases
XIAO Peiyuan1,2,REN Yefei1,2,WU Yujiao1,2,ZHOU Baofeng1,2,ZHANG Yajun3,WU Huadeng4,WEN Ruizhi1,2

(1.Key Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration,Institute of Engineering Mechanics,China Earthquake Administration,Harbin 150000,Heilongjiang,China)(2.Key Laboratory of Earthquake Disaster Mitigation,Ministry of Emergency Management,Harbin 150000,Heilongjiang,China)(3.Ningxia Communications Construction Co.,Ltd.,Yinchuan 750004,Ningxia,China)(4.Guangdong Earthquake Agency,Guangzhou 510070,Guangdong,China)

strong motion records; global open-source databases; absolute acceleration response spectra; site classification

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2024.0054


强震动数据是地震工程和工程地震领域研究的基础,为了便于高效选取强震动记录,基于以下全球强震动开源数据库:美国USGS、欧洲ESM、日本K-NET和KiK-net、墨西哥RAII-UNAM和新西兰GeoNet,收集整理5.0级以上地震的强震动记录40余万组,约150万条,通过震级、台站分布、场地条件、反应谱谱型等强震动基本信息对强震动记录进行筛选并分类,采用两套标准对场地进行了分类,对绝对加速度反应谱进行归一化,对比分析5个国家和地区的平均反应谱谱型的相似性与特殊性,结果表明:①美国强震动台站集中分布在西海岸与阿拉斯加地区,较硬的场地占比较高; ②日本强震动台站分布密度最高,较软的场地占比较高; ③给出了中、美两套规范下的强震动台站场地分类; ④从震中距方面考虑,美国为近场强震动记录最为集中和丰富的国家; ⑤不同国家和地区相同周期段绝对加速度反应谱具有明显的区域性差异。
Strong motion records are the basis for the research in earthquake engineering and engineering seismology.In order to efficiently select strong motion records,we collect and collate more than 400000 sets of(approximately 1.5 million)strong motion records of earthquakes(M≥5.0)from the following global open-source strong motion databases:USGS in the United States,ESM in Europe,K-NET and KiK-net in Japan,RAII-UNAM in Mexico,and GeoNet in New Zealand.Then we screen and classify these strong motion records according to some basic information such as magnitude,station distribution,site conditions,response spectrum shape,etc.In the light of the Chinese standard and the American standard,we classify the sites.We normalize the absolute acceleration response spectra.We compared the average response spectrum shapes in the US,Europe,Japan,Mexico,and New Zealand.The conclusions are as follows:(1)Strong motion stations in the United States are concentrated along the west coast and in Alaska,with a high proportion of hard sites;(2)Japan has the highest density of strong stations,with a high proportion of soft sites;(3)The site classification of strong earthquake stations is obtained according to the Chinese standard and the American standard;(4)Near-field strong motion recordings are mostly centralized and most abundant in the United States;(5)In these countries or region,the absolute acceleration response spectra in the same period have obvious regional differences.