
(1.黑龙江省地震局,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150090; 2.哈尔滨市应急救援保障中心,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150021)

井水位; 潮汐响应; 周日波; 松辽盆地

Characteristics and Mechanism Analysis of the Anomaly of the Diurnal Tidal Wave of the Well Water Level before Earthquakes in the Songliao Basin
LI Jiye1,MENG Lingsheng1,MA Longchen1,HU Lanbin2,REN Jianhui2,ZHOU Chen1

(1.Heilongjiang Earthquake Agency,Harbin 150090,Heilongjiang,China)(2.Harbin Technical Center of Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction,Harbin 150021,Heilongjiang,China)

well water level; tidal response; diurnal wave; the Songliao Basin

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2025.0025


选取松辽盆地黑龙江地区甘南台、延寿台、通河台、肇东台和北林台井水位观测数据,应用维尼迪科夫调和分析方法进行潮汐分析,得到了2008—2020年黑龙江及邻区20次中强地震(震群)前,井水位潮汐周日波异常特征,并对异常机理进行分析。结果显示:①松辽盆地中强地震前井水位潮汐周日波存在配套性异常,主要表现为3个及以上台站同步或准同步异常变化; 统计表明,优势异常等待时间为5个月,优势震中距为200~500 km。②地震震级与周日波异常幅度成正比,与异常等待时间成反比; 地震震级越大,周日波异常台站空间分布范围就越广。③嫩江断裂附近阿荣旗M5.2、龙江M4.6、嫩江M5.0等地震和依兰—伊通、敦化—密山断裂附近抚松M4.6、鸡东M4.1、友谊M4.2、中俄交界M4.8等地震前,周日波异常台站空间上呈现“震中—外围”的迁移特征; 在松辽盆地内部,安达M4.5和前郭M5.8震群、宁江M5.0、M4.5、M5.1地震前,周日波异常台站空间上呈现“外围—震中”的迁移特征,分析其原因主要与太平洋板块向我国东北地区的俯冲动力作用有关。
Underground fluid plays a vital role in the process of the earthquake genesis and occurrence. In this paper,the observational data of the water level at Gannan station,Yanshou station,Tonghe station,Zhaodong station,and Beilin station in the Songliao Basin of Heilongjiang Province are selected,and the tidal analysis is carried out by using Venedikov harmonic analysis method. Before 20 moderate- and strong-earthquakes(including earthquake swarms)in Heilongjiang and its adjacent areas from 2008 to 2020,the anomaly characteristics of the tidal diurnal wave of the water level in the wells are obtained,and the anomaly mechanism is analyzed. The results show that: ① There is a matching anomaly of daily tidal wave of the water level in the wells before moderate-and strong-earthquake in Songliao Basin, mainly represented by the synchronous and morphologically consistent anomaly of the water level appeared at three or more stations; The lasting time of the dominant anomaly is 5 months, and the most probable epicenter lies within 200-500 km. ② It is found that the earthquake magnitude is directly proportional to the amplitude of the diurnal wave and inversely proportional to the lasting time of the anomaly. Statistics show that the wider the spatial distribution ranges of the stations which have diurnal wave anomaly, the larger the earthquake magnitude. ③ Before the Arogqi M5.2 earthquake, Longjiang M4.6 earthquake, and Nenjiang M5.0 earthquake near the Nenjiang fault and the Fusong M4.6 earthquake, Jidong M4.1 earthquake, Youyi M4.2 earthquake and Sino-Russian border M4.8 earthquake near the Yilan-Yitong fault and Dunhua-Mishan fault, the anomalous diurnal wave of the water level appeared at stations showed order of “from the epicenter to the surrounding areas”. In the Songliao Basin, before the Anda M4.5 earthquake, Qianguo M5.8 earthquakes, Ningjiang M5.0 earthquake, Ningjiang M4.5 earthquake, and Ningjiang M5.1 earthquake, the anomalous diurnal wave of the water level appeared at stations showed order of “from the surrounding areas to the epicenter”. The phenomenon is mainly related to the dynamic action of the Pacific Plate subducting to Northeast China.