
(中国地震台网中心,北京 100045)

Benioff应变比; 新疆地区; 最小完备性震级; 地震预测

Research on the Features of the Benioff Strain Ratio in Xinjiang Region before Earthquakes above MS6.0
YANG Wen,YU Huaizhong,ZHANG Xiaotao

(China Earthquake Networks Center,Beijing 100045,China)

Benioff strain ratio; Xinjiang region; minimum complete magnitude; earthquake prediction

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2025.0028


Before a strong earthquake occurs,the accelerated release of strain energy is common in the area near the epicenter,indicating that the seismogenic area is approaching or entering a critical state.Taking the Benioff strain as the response quantity,the Benioff strain ratio at different periods is calculated,which can be used as a parameter to characterize the speed of strain energy release,and its abnormal evolution reflects the high-stress state of the intermediate substance during seismic nucleation.The minimum complete magnitude is analyzed based on the earthquake catalog provided by the China Earthquake Networks Center,then the 90-day Benioff strain ratio before and after each month is calculated one year before the MS6 earthquakes in Xinjiang since the year 2000.The results show that 14 of the 18 groups of earthquakes were located in the high-value anomaly region within one year. This passes the prediction effect test,indicating that the high-value anomaly of the Benioff strain ratio had significance for the medium- and short-term prediction of MS6 earthquakes in Xinjiang region.One year before the Aketao MS6.7 earthquake and the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake in 2016,the strain ratio in the seismogenic zone increased gradually,then decreased rapidly,and kept fluctuating stably.This may be related to the unstable nucleation of the fault.