
(1.山东省地震局,山东 济南 250014; 2.山东省震灾风险防治中心,山东 济南 250021)

青州地震; 深度学习; 自动检测; RISP

Analysis of the Automatically Processed Results of the Qingzhou Earthquake Sequence in Shandong in May 2022
CHEN Tingting1,ZHANG Ling1,JIANG Qifeng1,2,WANG Yu1,ZHANG Zhengshuai1,GUAN Yiliang1

(1.Shandong Earthquake Agency,Jinan 250014,Shandong,China)(2.Shandong Earthquake Disaster Prevention Center,Jinan 250021,Shandong,China)

the Qingzhou earthquake; deep learning; automatic detection; RISP

DOI: 10.20015/j.cnki.ISSN1000-0666.2025.0034


采用基于深度学习的实时智能地震处理系统(RISP)检测2022年5月1—14日山东青州地震序列,构建自动检测目录,评估RISP系统在山东的适用性。RISP系统检测的地震数量多于人工编目的地震数量,匹配率达90.14%; 其中系统多检测的地震事件都含有地震信号,漏检测的事件由于不满足系统自动检测的触发条件,没有自动处理结果。此系统的定位精度也与人工处理结果相当,在发震时刻、震中位置、震源深度等方面具有较好的一致性; 但自动检测目录的地震震级的人工目录测量震级略大。根据自动检测的地震序列分布和震源机制反演推测此次地震的发震断层为张店—仁河断裂。检测结果表明:RISP系统检测的微震、小震多,定位精度准确,分析速度快,且不依赖于个人经验,可提供更加完整的地震目录。
The real-time intelligent seismic processing system(RISP)based on deep learning monitored the May 1-14,2022,earthquake sequence in Qingzhou,Shandong Province,and identified more earthquakes than manual identification,boasting a 90.14% accuracy rate.The exceeding earthquakes identified by RISP system do have seismic signals.The undetected events do not meet the trigger conditions of RISP system and have no automatic processing results.The positioning accuracy of RISP system is equal to that of the manual results,and other seismic parameters like original time,epicenter position,focal depth,etc.are in consistent with the manual results.However,the magnitude given by RISP system is slightly larger than that of the manual results.Based on the distribution and the inverted source mechanisms of the Qingzhou earthquake sequence,the Zhangdian-Renhe fault is supposed to be the seismogenic fault of the Qingzhou earthquake sequence.RISP system is proved to be capable of detecting more micro- and small-earthquakes.It has high accuracy for earthquake location,it does rapid analysis of seismic phases,but it does not depend on manual experience.